L.Dula needs our help!

Lakan's Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Fund
Hi this is Jordan (eldest) and Nate (youngest), we are the sons of Lakan and Shem Morales. Our dad has been a dedicated husband/partner to our Mom Shem for 26 years, and a supportive loving father to us. He is a true force of nature and a positive spirit on this earth. Tragically, our dad Lakan suffered a traumatic spinal cord injury on July 2nd, leaving him unable to use his arms and legs. Our family needs your help and we are reaching out to you.
Lakan's story proves that life is fragile and things can change in an instant. While boogie boarding he was thrown onto the sand, breaking his neck. He was found by a surfer face down in the water, lifeless. He was resuscitated and remained on life support for several days. The Doctor said it was a miracle when he finally woke up that Lakan was able to speak and had no brain damage. Sadly he did however wake up with no sensation in his limbs and could not move. He underwent spinal cord surgery and remained in the ICU needing assistance to breathe. After a month in the hospital, he was transferred to a rehab center where he is still currently. He remains to have very little hand/arm movement and is paralyzed chest down. It will be a long road to recovery but through all this, his spirit remains strong, smiling and cracking jokes like you would expect of Lakan, but our family will face a long, difficult road ahead.
Beyond substantial hospital bills, our family home will need to be retrofitted to accommodate Lakan's daily care when he makes it out of rehabilitation. He will need ramps, handles, a shower on the first floor, a place to sleep downstairs, etc. (raising enough money for a vehicle would be a bonus. Because our dad is so tall he will need a taller van to fit him and his wheelchair)- things you never think of until something like this happens. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are needed to achieve this, so anything you give, big or small, will go directly towards making a new life for Lakan as he faces these new hurdles.We are grateful for all the continued prayers and support.
We ask if you can please help him get started on this new phase in his life and celebrate his spirit by helping him in his time of need.With God all things are possible
-Thank you
Jordan, Nate, Shem and Lakan